China CITIC Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd.

  1. When was the Company incorporated?

  The Company’s predecessor, China Huarong Asset Management Corporation, was founded on November 1, 1999, and converted into a joint stock limited company on September 28, 2012, upon the approval of the State Council. The Company changed its name to China CITIC Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. in January 2024.

  2. When was the Company listed? Where is the Company's stock traded? And what is the stock code?

  On October 30, 2015, the Company was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with the stock code of 2799.HK.

  3. Who is the share registrar of the Company?

  The H share registrar of the Company is Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited.

  4. What accounting standards does the Company adopt? And who is the external auditor?  

  The consolidated financial statements of the Company for 2021 prepared under the IFRS and PRC GAAP have been audited by Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP, respectively.

  5. Who are the Company's substantial shareholders?

  Major shareholders of the Company include CITIC Group Corporation, MOF, China Insurance Rongxin Private Fund Co., Ltd., China Life Insurance (Group) Company.

  6. How many branches and subsidiaries are owned by the Company?

  Currently, it has 33 branches with geographic coverage across 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the Chinese mainland as well as in the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions. Its subsidiaries include Huarong Financial Leasing, Huarong Rongde, Huarong Industrial and Huarong International.

  7. What are the principal business segments of the Company

  The Company's principal business segments are comprised of (i) distressed asset management segment; (ii) financial services segment; and (iii) asset management and investment segment.

  Distressed Asset Management: The Company's distressed asset management segment is mainly comprised of distressed debt asset management business of the Company, DES asset management business of the Company, distressed asset management business conducted by our subsidiaries, distressed asset-based special situations investments business, and distressed asset-based property development business. Distressed asset management business is the foundation of all product business systems of the Company and an important source of income and profit of the Company.

  Financial Services: The Company provides its clients with flexible, customized and diversified financing channels and financial products, creating a comprehensive financial service system which covers the different business life cycles and the entire value chain of clients.

  Asset Management and Investment: Benefiting from capital, customers and technical advantages accumulated from the distressed asset management business and financial services business of the Company, our asset management and investment business generates commission and fee income, as well as investment income through asset management, financial investments, international business and other business. The asset management and investment business of the Company enhances the overall profitability of the distressed asset management business and optimizes its business and income structure. The Company's asset management and investment business is a natural extension and supplement of its distressed asset management business and serves as an important platform for providing the Company's clients with a comprehensive array of diversified asset management, investment and financing services.

  8、How to receive corporate communication?

  Pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Company disseminates and publishes Corporate Communications to the shareholders of the Company by electronic means.

    "Corporate Communication" means any document issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action by any of its shareholders, including but not limited to direstors' reports and annual accounts together with auditors' reports, interim reports, notices of meetings, listing documents, circular and proxy form.

    The application form for registered shareholders and non-registered shareholders of the Company to select the method of receiving Corporate Communications and/or request printed copies can be downloaded through the following links:

    - Notification letters for electronic dissermination of Corporate Communications for registered shareholders   

    - Notification letters for electronic dissermination of Corporate Communications for non-registered shareholders

    At the same time, shareholders can also download the above notification letter from the "HKEXNews" website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong:

    - Notification letters for electronic dissermination of Corporate Communications for registered shareholders

    - Notification letters for electronic dissermination of Corporate Communications for non-registered shareholders   

    If shareholders wish to receive Corporate Communications in printed form, please fill in and submit the above application form to the Company's share registrar, or send an email to chamc.ecom@computershare.com.hk specifying the shareholder's name, address and request to receive the Corporate Communications in printed form. Please note that instruction to receive future Corporate Communications in printed form will be valid for one year from the receipt date of the shareholder's instruction.

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  • No.8 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing Zip Code:100033
  • Tel: (8610) 5961-8888 Fax: (8610) 5961-8000
  • ? 2019 2015 China CITIC Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.